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The owner of the dog just didnt care bout his dog anymore when it was growing up…

We dont know the name of the dog so we just call him brown.

My brother sidny said that brown was a little doggy when he and my father saw him,brown was very healthy at that time and cute.

But when I first saw the dog,it was very cute and friendly! But I notice that he keep scratching and kinda dirty so I thought looks like the owner of this dog didnt care him.

But when me and my sister was on a vacation for almost 1 month¿?..Idk but when we saw him again…He was very weak and looks like someone beat him…

Brown sleeps outside of our house and we’re okay with it.

We give brown water and he was very thirsty,and I gave him dog food and he ate it really fast.

But the way he was walking was so slow and he was turning skinny.

He was coughing and it was just so sad…..

We keep giving him water,we tried giving him dog food again but he didnt eat.We gave him a fish but he didnt eat it instead he sleep.

Today 5/30/18, my 2 brothers buried brown…My oldest brother said that brown died and was just very weak…

We’re so angry of the owner of this dog! They’re such a cruel human being! god…I cant just believe it…

Im so sad but happy at the same time…Im happy that he came to play with us and Im happy that he loves us…And I know he’s in a good place right now :’)

We miss and love brown so much…

We just can’t believe why the owner of brown didnt take care of brown anymore…It’s just so wrong…

We actually want to put brown on a vet or call an animal service but we don’t see them around in here


Just dog food shops.

So please don’t leave your dogs or whatever kind of pet you have…Please take a good care of them…

Pets don’t deserve a owner who leaves them and doesn’t take a good care of them.

They deserve to have a loving family who takes a good care of them 🙂